The beautiful humans

The #TheBeautifulHumans project begun after Jada’s solo photography exhibition ‘Not a Superwoman’ in 2020. Originally, through the exhibition, Jada had wanted to share portraits and stories of women she has encountered in the city of Hong Kong. Since then, it has developed into an ongoing collection of photographs and stories that we continue to share of courageous women all around the city and beyond. This also includes collaborations with brands and NGOs to convey topics that evolve around our brand mission - celebrate women, redefine beauty, connect humanity.

Through these stories that explore our shared human experience, Jada hopes to hold space for vulnerability, to invite reflections and conversations on topics that we see and experience (but may sometimes be too afraid to share on our own), and last but not least - to simply be still and know that there are many others who are walking the same journey.
We are not alone as we walk the journey of becoming and healing.

If you have a story to tell, or you know someone who does - we are constantly collecting stories that would make a difference in someone’s journey. Please feel free to reach out to us and email us at - we would love to hear from you!