Doing Hard Things



What brought you all the way from HK to Africa to climb Mount Kilimanjaro by yourself?

After breaking up from a toxic relationship, I left Hong Kong and spent 2 months crying in Malaysia, completely lost and heartbroken. By chance, I met a few American girls who shared their story of hiking Mount Kilimanjaro. I was curious since doing a grueling 9-day hike without showering is not exactly every girl’s dream. One of them said it had been a complete reset for her after a heartbreak. For the first time in months, I felt curious. Desperately needing a reset, I visualized myself shedding my pain and depression, evolving into a renewed person at the summit of Kilimanjaro.

The research and training gave me purpose. Instead of forcing myself out of depression, I realized that finding curiosity again was what truly helped. The climb itself was no joke. On one of the hardest days, after 9 hours of relentless uphill hiking, only focusing on the next step kept me going. Looking at the summit felt overwhelming, but reminding myself that each step brought me closer to it was the only way to get through it.

The hardest times passed, but only by putting one foot in front of the other, and focusing only on getting that done. When I finally reached the top, I cried with everyone.

The experience will always be a powerful reminder - that I can do hard things, but only one step at a time.

Reflection: What is one small step you can take today towards a goal or healing process?


這次旅程的研究與訓練,讓我重新找到了目標。我發現擺脫抑鬱是不能強逼的 - 而是通過重新感受對生活的好奇心,漸漸走出低谷。攀登的過程極其艱難,其中九個小時不間斷的跋涉中,我只能專注於下一步,不敢抬頭看遙遠的山頂。一步又一步,我告訴自己:離目標更近了。


這次經歷成為我一生的提醒 - 我可以做難的事,但唯有一步一步專注於當下,方能抵達終點。

想一想: 為了實現目標,今天你可以踏出怎麼樣的一小步?