What does it feel like to grow older and older?
How do you age more joyfully?

"I think I never planned too far ahead.
I choose to live one day at a time and take one step at a time, because things can change so quickly. When you map out everything too far ahead and things don’t go according to plan, you can get easily jaded.

Instead of trying to tell yourself not to overthink, keep yourself busy with things you love doing. I spent my 60s-90s learning new things (e.g. singing, yoga, dancing). I love inviting friends over for dinner too, and I still enjoy doing all these.

As to how to age joyfully - don’t think too much about whether you are being happy or not. Growing weaker and aging with it is part of life. If you don’t want any of it, you can die earlier (humor!).
I used to fear death when I was young. But when you grow older and older, you learn to embrace each day as it comes, enjoy and play! Having the chance to grow old is a blessing too. I guess acceptance and courage come more easily when you are in the midst of what you have always feared." ~ DORA, AGE 98

REFLECTION: Are you scared of aging? Why? Is that fear robbing you of your joy and appreciation of the present moment?



或者有人會說我太簡單,但這樣讓我能活在當下,一步一步地向前走。事情可以變化得如此快 - 當你對太遠的未來作出全盤規劃,在事與願違時會感到沮喪和挫敗。

你問我 - 如何快樂的經歷變老?
我想說的是 - 不要用太多的時間去思考自己是否快樂。隨著歲月的流逝,人就是會變老,身體各方面也會變得衰弱,這都是生活的一部份呀。如果你不願意接受這一切,你可以選擇更早離世(哈哈,開玩笑!)。

~ DORA, AGE 98
