beautiful personal portrait photography jada poon hong kong.jpg

Portraiture is not about capturing who a person is. A person has many different sides. What photography does is evoke and capture one specific side of a person.

Through portraiture, I hope to draw out the brave and sensitive soul of each woman that I photograph, to let each woman see through my eyes a side of them that they perhaps have pushed aside, or never believed they had.

Strong women can be fragile.

Fragile women can be strong.

We are all in this together. Same yet different.

When we embrace both our strength and fragility, our sameness and our differences, we gain the courage and compassion towards ourselves to keep transforming and feeling alive.

I, as the photographer, am responsible to not only create a perfectly styled and posed image. I see myself as responsible for defining who that woman is in that moment, and what kind of woman would wear that brand. 

It is making tangible true beauty that is not only seen, but remembered.