The World War II Comfort Women series

LOLA PERLA witnessed both her parents being tortured and murdered as a toddler.

"Last year, I fell and injured my hip and it has only gotten worse without surgery or proper medication. There are nights when my hip would be so painful that I would cry out to mother, even though I lost her when I was so little." She said.
"It’s so hard to live without your parents in this world."

It is heartbreaking - to imagine the hole that was left in her life as an orphan baby. As we prayed for God to restore that hole left by losing her parents, we all started crying.

And it was so powerful.
Powerful because even though she displays strength in fighting for the comfort women's cause, she also is willing to show her 'weakness' - the gaping hole that was left when they were violated or when their loved ones were murdered in front of them.

Powerful to witness how our team sat in that place of hurt together, and shared the pain and tears - as one.

Powerful to ponder on how we can draw strength as we bear each other's burdens - not only in listening to others' pains, but also in opening up and sharing ours with them.

#jadapoonphotography #philippines #worldwartwostories #comfortwomen #hongkongportraitphotographer #womeninasia #womenempowerment #faith